Equinox Build is a unique kind of build that plays between the dark side and the light side. When the night becomes the day and vice-versa, it is said that it is Equinox’s time. It quickly switches between its dark side and the light side with the help of its unique switching abilities.
Though it sounds comfortable and relaxed, you will no longer find it excellent once you are playing in this build. This Warframe was released in the year 2015, but it is not that popular.
Though it is not that popular, it still has many different and unique abilities to explore. It has many other build options that can be played in different environments and different group combinations.
It has many different skill sets, including crowd control, great healing to the damage, and Vitality. However, it is relatively frustrating to farm Equinox as to farm an Equinox, and you will be needed to farm all the night aspects and the day aspects.
🔄 Metamorphosis allows Equinox to shift from crowd control to power strength giver and even to a great support, making her a valuable asset in various missions.
😴 Players are sleeping on its rage feature day form allows you to give damage vulnerability to targets but it increases their attack speed and movement speed in the process.
🌀 Peaceful provocation is a Warframe augment mode for equinox but increases the effectiveness of pacify and provoke pacify pacify converts Damage Done to Equinox and her allies into an aura that slows enemies by up to 40 percent.
🔄 Equinox Prime’s passive ability acts as a mini equilibrium, converting 10 percent of energy from pickups to health and vice versa, a detail often overlooked by players.
🎮 There are lots of Hellmuth builds that you can go with ranging from damage buffing to even defense stripping, but for me, I would prefer survivability with Equinox Prime.
🌙 Shifting to day form for the slash nuke of the Warframe after building millions of damage is a key strategy for maximizing damage output.
🌟 An all-rounder build for Equinox Prime can be used in almost all missions in the game, providing versatility and effectiveness.
The Different Abilities of Equinox
Equinox’s primary abilities, namely, Metamorphosis, Rest and Rage, Pacify and Provoke, and Mend and Main. These are the primary abilities of Equinox that are known to the player to succeed in the mission. The player must know how and when to use these abilities against the enemies.
- Metamorphosis – This unique ability of Equinox build can switch different forms, gain bonus shields and armor in need during the night-form, and increase bonus damage and speed in the day-form.
- Rest and Rage – In the night-form, it can put the targets to sleep, and in the day-form, the targets will be too vulnerable to damage.
- Pacify and Provoke – In the night-form, it can reduce the damage done to you, and in the day-form, it can increase the strength of nearby allies.
- Mend and Main – In the night form, it can heal each ally that will be attacked when an enemy is killed, and in the day-form, nearby enemies will be bled to a wave of subjected force.
Different Equinox Builds
Equinox has many other builds that are important and can help you in surviving the mission. You can pick the Aura Slot Polarity for the Equinox in an easy way. There are different ways to use the Equinox, and if you are using it only for the melee, you should go with the Madurai and the Steel Charge Mod. If not, then you can go with the Naramon Polarity and the Corrosive Projection.
You can also use the Energy Siphon and the armor Reduction if you are not going for the melee. The armor reduction itself is relatively healthy, and if you combine it with different builds, you can quickly kill the enemies and defend yourself from them.
Also, you should keep in mind that you do not need to invest a lot of Forma if you are specializing in only one build. All you need to do is to concentrate on the build and switch between the mods you like.
The Sleep Build
One of the most famous builds is none other than the Sleep Build. This version of the build is a crowd control build that is mainly used for farming solo missions. However, it does not mean that you cannot go with a team. It mainly focuses on one ability: your second one augmented mod Calm and Frenzy. More so, you can activate Rest and Rage when you are aiming for the enemies.
Also, it is one of the fastest builds, and in this build, if you are killing the enemies with the help of melee weapons, then the mob around the enemy will also be affected. You can take advantage of this feature of this build and the melee weapons.
Maim Low-Level Build
One of the ultimate abilities of this build is the Maim, and it allows you to deal with the area of the effect damage. In this build, you can also activate your third and the fourth ability in day form. It will help you deal with the Slash damage and the increasing range that will help you spot the enemies from far away.
If you are full-on energy, then that energy will help you win the mission and earn the rewards. This will be super useful in those endless missions in which you can kill many enemies using melee weapons. If you are using this build for melee weapons, you can probably use them against your enemy.
Maim High-Level Build
Another build is the Maim high-level build that is used for the higher level of enemies. It has all the combination of the low-level maim along with the high-level features and functionalities. The Maim ability works as a visual indicator, and it can protect you from a great deal of damage and provide you adequate healing capacity through which you can conquer your enemy.
Support Build
So, the Equinox can also be a support build with an incredible healing capacity. This build mainly uses the third and the fourth ability in the night Warframe. Once you activate the third and fourth ability, then it will be easy for you to reduce the incoming damage to yourself. Also, if you kill the sleeping enemies, then it will be counted as stealth kills. It will quickly be added to stealth points that can reach up to 5005, thus gaining a lot of bonus affinity and focus.
In this guide, we talked about various builds of Equinox builds and how we can make sure that we do not lose while playing. The essential abilities in each build should always be kept in mind so that you can use them in the right mod and the proper mission.