The Volt build was released during its beta phase, and in no time, it became one of the most loved and popular Warframe. It has still maintained its name in the field of Warframe, and many players love the idea of Volt Build and its abilities.
The Volt build did not become popular on its own, but because of the unique abilities, it was equipped with. It is also one of the most played Warframe that the players first choose to play. This guide will discuss everything about this build and how we can face the build’s enemies.
The Volt build is mainly famous and popular because of its one ability: speed. It can increase or decrease its ability as per its need, making the build the most dangerous one. Not only this ability of speed helps itself, but also it helps everyone in the team.
There are many different builds that are using them in different circumstances, and it now became one of the most fun builds to explore and to learn using the different types of abilities of any build.
The Different Abilities of Volt
The primary abilities of Volt, namely, Shock, Speed, Electric Shield, and Discharge. Each ability has its own set of functions and helps you fight with the enemies.
- Shock – This Volt ability can provide the enemy a shocking projectile. It can deal with significant damage and protect you from attacks.
- Speed – This ability will energize its body and the nearby Warframes and increase speed for a short while.
- Electric Shield – This ability of Volt deploys an Obstacle of energy and provides you cover in need.
- Discharge – This ability can paralyze nearby hostiles using an electric charge and also provides shocks to the enemies approaching you.
The Different Builds of Volt
You will also find the Steel Charge and the Energy siphon in the Volt build. They will relatively be helpful to you in the build for providing you energy pool, and at the same time, the Steel Charge will protect you from the damage done against you.
You can also switch between the mods using the melee weapons, and also, these weapons will be helpful for you to kill a bunch of enemies. So, overall, these will be helpful for you in getting through the mission.
Speed Build
The first and the foremost Volt build is the Speed Build that is one of the essential builds that will help you get through the mission. The build is pretty excellent, and it will combine you with the strength and efficiency that will help you get through the mission. Volt will help you if you need to run around the Plains of Eidolon. In this build, you can choose Stretch, Redirection, and many other builds to survive until the last.
ESO Build
Another popular build is the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught runs, and it can prevent you from getting damaged by your enemies. This will help you in providing a shield against the damage done by the enemies. You will be needed with a fair and broad range to be aware of the present enemies within the range.
This ranged weapon is essential as it can make you invincible if you know how to use this weapon against your enemies. You can also use the Saryn builds and the sculptures to sell and gain the required healing capacity. You can also switch the mods in between to get every mod’s feel and then choose accordingly whichever suits you.
Eidolon Build
Though many players enjoy the hunting of the Eidolons, and for this purpose, they usually need a Volt to the task. If you have ever wondered why they need the Volt, then the answer to this question is that Volts can increase and decrease the speed according to their need, making them one of the most dangerous builds. This is why volts are used against the enemies where it is relatively difficult to hunt the enemies.
But in the case of Eidolons, the Energy Siphon and the Enemy Sense will not work that much as they mainly work in melee weapons. But still, if you want to use them in the mission, you can do so as they will make the mission go at a pretty smooth pace.
Melee Build
This is one of the most dangerous and widespread builds that is present in the mission. Here you will be able to use the Hunter Adrenaline, Energy Siphon, Vitality, and Redirection, and many other builds that you cannot use in every build.
The Melee build is easy to survive and kill the enemies because it can protect you from damage against the enemies.
These will help you build a shield against the damage done to you by your enemies. You can also use the Naramon aura polarity in the game. It will be one of the best choices when you are going for the builds, and you need to switch the builds according to your need.
In this guide, we have discussed many different builds of Volt and the features that each Volt offers, and how we should tackle them.
You must keep in mind that the Energy Siphon and the Hunter Adrenaline can be used only in the case of melee weapons so that melee can stand against the damage done by the enemies.